Beauty and The Best

Saturday, 24 April 2010

First in the World, Bank Indonesia's Garbage

Pimpii only joking, but if no one is denied the claims and the Bank's first Trash the only one in the world only exists in Indonesia certainly true.

Trash Bank. Right! Bank that the Bank where this one was saved in a real sense of waste. More clearly, the customer deposit their garbage in the bank.

Trash is a Bank under the name of a pioneer Ripah Gemah Trash Bank in Indonesia that was established by community Bandegan Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Garbage banks, public savings in the form of garbage that have been grouped according to type. They also get a similar number of books of accounts and savings. In their savings book value amount of garbage indicated they had tubes and indeed could be withdrawn in the form of amount (money) .... so not attractive saving waste bin ...

Bank of garbage collectors working with plastics, cardboard, etc., to be able to rupiahkan crum savings. Also with the processing of organic fertilizer for organic waste which is well saved channel.

Very unique and brilliant idea ....

For storing garbage sounds paradoxical. How not, trash is something that usually is useless and thrown away. Calculate a rough course in Indonesia with 250 million inhabitants approximately equivalent to our 50 million households, assuming per day per household to produce and dispose of household waste an average of 2 pounds only, then every day there are 100 thousand tons of solid waste in Indonesia. As we all know the problems of waste is sometimes confusing government in its handling.

But not with people who do Badegan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
They collect, store and even save their garbage.

According Panut Susanto, head of the bank manager of garbage, rubbish collected every week to reach 60-70 kg. For a while the bank service hours start at 16:00 to 21:00 each day Monday-Wednesday-Friday. "We just could serve in the evening because most bank officers must work in the morning," he said.

Not yet maximum performance because they manage a bank officer without pay garbage. That is, they must keep working to finance their daily life.
"What we do is social in nature. So, we did not expect the wages due to the condition of banks has not been up to, "he said.

Banks cut waste 15 percent of the value of funds deposited waste customers. Funds were used to finance the operational activities, such as photocopying, making savings accounts, and other costs. "During this time there are no customers who objected. We have to make cuts because this bank is jointly managed, "he said.

Actually generate revenue directly into the trash a small community ....

If this movement is followed in other places, naturally a little problem that disturbs a lot of garbage there is an alternative solution. In particular, the environment was saved from the garbage.

source: hibernation
Marked as: garbage bank, the world's garbage, trash problems, first in the world


  1. salam friend
    thank for information
    I know bank Indonesia's garbage,coz read your article.

  2. nice info. have a nice sunday.

  3. bank sampah
    beda nama, intinya TPA
    mari bersihkan lingkungan
    mari selamatkan bumi

  4. walh walh......makasih infonya

    knjungan balik sahabad

  5. thanks for the info, saya ingat foto yang ditampilkan oleh indonesianvoice yang berjudul makan pakek mulut, yang gambar warung lengkap dengan pool sampah yang penuh sesak...disana bilangnya, kalau makan pake hidung tentu warung tersebut ga laku..hehehe...

  6. sayang kurang jago english :(

  7. kelolah sampah dengan baik
    jangan mpe ngerusak lingkungan


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