Beauty and The Best

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Keluarga Besar SMP Negeri Bulo mengucapkan

semoga amal ibadah kita selama 1 bulan penuh di bulan puasa diterima oleh Allah dan semoga kita bisa bertemu kembali dengan bulan Ramadhan berikutnya. Amin

Monday, 30 August 2010


Oleh : MAHMUD, S.Pd (Kepala SMP Negeri Bulo)
Masyarakat Indonesia hingga kini masih tergolong masyarakat yang mempunyai minat baca atau katakanlah minat baca masyarakat Indonesia masih rendah. Sekalipun minat baca masyarakat Indonesia masih rendah, tapi kita tidak perlu pesimis. Untuk membangkitkan minat baca masyarakat, kiranya patut segera ditanamkan, terutama kepada anak-anak sekolah karena mereka mempunyai kaitan erat dengan membaca. Bagi siswa sesungguhnya membaca merupakan

Friday, 27 August 2010


Hampir semua sekolah memiliki SDM yang bagus, namun sayangnya belum semua pihak pengelola sekolah yang paham tentang metode PAKEM diperolehnya dari banyak pelatihan. Walaupun sekolah kami terpencil tapi selalu mengikuti pelatihan profesi guru. Pembelajaran sistematis, kooperatif, berpikir kritis. Usia sekolah kami masih sangat belia,


Sungguh Bapak sebagai guru matahari kami.Amanat mulia bertumpu di pundak bapak. Ingin sekali kami ukirkan prestasi karena kerja keras,ketulusan dan cinta bapak kepada kami. Juga,ingin sekali kami maju karena Bapak memaknai pendapat dan kesaksian kami. Karena itu, inilah penghargaan kami,

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Once upon a time there was a city called ELT. The people of ELT led a comfortable,if not extravagant,life,pursuing the noble goats of literature and grammar. There were differences, of course some people preferred to call themselves EFL people, while others belonged to a group known as ESL. But the two groups lived in easy tolerance of each others,more united than disunited.
Now it happened that the city was surrounded by high mountains and legend had it that the land beyond the mountains was inhabited by illiterate and savage tribes called Scientists, Businessman and Engineers. Few people from ELT had ever ventured into that land. Then things began to change. Some of the people in ELT became restless. The old city could not support its growing population and eventually some brave souls set off to seek their fortune in the landbeyond the mountains. many in ELT were shocked at the prospects. It was surely no place for people brought up into gentle landsscape of English literature and language.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Theories of learning

The starting point for all language teaching should be an understanding of how people learn. But it is too often that case taht learning factors are the last to be considered. English has been particularly guilty in this regard. Yet, language can only be properly understood as a reflection of human thought processes. Language learning is

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Profil Sekolah

My school profile
SMP NEGERI BULO dididirikan pada tahun 2007 atas prakarsa dari sekolah dasar yang berada di wilayah kecamatan Bulo yaitu Desa Sabura, Desa Karombang, Daala Timur, Sepporakki, Ihing.Kerjasama Pemerintah Kabupaten Polewali mandar dan Pemerintah Australia. (AIBEP)

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Kemampuan diri anda

By: Masykur, S.Pd

Ada tujuh jenis kemampuan dasar yang mengakibatkan adanya perbedaan pada setiap orang dalam menyerap dunia luar. Apa sajakah itu?
  1. Kemampuan berbahasa, yaitu kemmapuan mengolah kata-kata. Kemampuan ini terus berkembang seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Orang yang kemampuan berbahasanya tinggi, setelah dewasa biasanya mampu mengajukan pendapat dengan menarik.


by:Brothers of Bulo
Bila kita mau melakukan olahraga, kita dianjurkan untuk memperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
  1. Makan. Latihan sebaiknya dilakukan sebelum makan atau 2 jam setelah makan untuk menghindari rasa mual. Pada saat berolahraga perut harus kosong sebab saat aktivitas fisik dilakukan, sebagian darah dialirkan ke otot. Namun, bila lambung masih terisi makanan, darah bukan dialirkan ke otot, tetapi ke lambung dan usus. Hal ini bisa menagcaukan peredaran darah.
  2. Minum. Pada saat beristirahat, jangan lupa minum untuk mengganti cairan yang hilang saat latihan dan untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh. Karenanya, pilihlah air dingin (51 derajat celcius). Minum dapat dilakukan sebelum latihan, ditengah-tengah latihan, maupun sesudahnya.
  3. Pernapasan. Semua gerakan mengangkat, misalnya angkat beban, pada saat mengeluarkan tenaga, jangan lupa membuang nafas. Maksudnya supaya tidak mengganggu kerja jantung dan paru-paru anda.

Trik menghadapi ulangan

by: Masykur, S.Pd
Sebagai pelajar, kamu juga memerlukan petunjuk. Petunjuk yang kamu perlukan adalah tentang bagaimana belajar dengan baik sehingga bisa memperoleh nilai yang memuaskan. Menjadi juara kelas yang menjadi impian banyak orang dapat kamu raih jika kamu tahu bagaimana seharusnya belajar. Kita tahu bahwa tidak semua orang dapat menjadi juara kelas.Bukan karena mereka tidak pandai, melainkan karena mereka tidak tahu bagaimana belajar yang seharusnya.

New Performance

This blog have new owner, let me introduce my self for you all.. I'm animasy, if you have question please posting comment here...

Saturday, 24 April 2010

First in the World, Bank Indonesia's Garbage

Pimpii only joking, but if no one is denied the claims and the Bank's first Trash the only one in the world only exists in Indonesia certainly true.

Trash Bank. Right! Bank that the Bank where this one was saved in a real sense of waste. More clearly, the customer deposit their garbage in the bank.

Trash is a Bank under the name of a pioneer Ripah Gemah Trash Bank in Indonesia that was established by community Bandegan Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Garbage banks, public savings in the form of garbage that have been grouped according to type. They also get a similar number of books of accounts and savings. In their savings book value amount of garbage indicated they had tubes and indeed could be withdrawn in the form of amount (money) .... so not attractive saving waste bin ...

Bank of garbage collectors working with plastics, cardboard, etc., to be able to rupiahkan crum savings. Also with the processing of organic fertilizer for organic waste which is well saved channel.

Very unique and brilliant idea ....

For storing garbage sounds paradoxical. How not, trash is something that usually is useless and thrown away. Calculate a rough course in Indonesia with 250 million inhabitants approximately equivalent to our 50 million households, assuming per day per household to produce and dispose of household waste an average of 2 pounds only, then every day there are 100 thousand tons of solid waste in Indonesia. As we all know the problems of waste is sometimes confusing government in its handling.

But not with people who do Badegan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
They collect, store and even save their garbage.

According Panut Susanto, head of the bank manager of garbage, rubbish collected every week to reach 60-70 kg. For a while the bank service hours start at 16:00 to 21:00 each day Monday-Wednesday-Friday. "We just could serve in the evening because most bank officers must work in the morning," he said.

Not yet maximum performance because they manage a bank officer without pay garbage. That is, they must keep working to finance their daily life.
"What we do is social in nature. So, we did not expect the wages due to the condition of banks has not been up to, "he said.

Banks cut waste 15 percent of the value of funds deposited waste customers. Funds were used to finance the operational activities, such as photocopying, making savings accounts, and other costs. "During this time there are no customers who objected. We have to make cuts because this bank is jointly managed, "he said.

Actually generate revenue directly into the trash a small community ....

If this movement is followed in other places, naturally a little problem that disturbs a lot of garbage there is an alternative solution. In particular, the environment was saved from the garbage.

source: hibernation
Marked as: garbage bank, the world's garbage, trash problems, first in the world

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Karl Lagerfeld Coca Cola Bottle Design

Karl Lagerfeld designed bottles of Coca Cola Lights (Photo: Los Angeles Times)

Drank a bottle of carbonated drinks can eliminate hunger.
Today, carbonated beverages can satisfy the thirst of the fashionista. Proven, designer Karl Lagerfeld could change the shape of a bottle of Coca Cola became more fashionable.

Who says you can not sip a soda bottle with a nice fashion? In a very stylish design, creative director of Chanel's Karl
Lagerfeld has channeled his talent for Coca-Cola Light (the French equivalent of Diet Coke) to create a limited edition bottles of Coca Cola. Similarly, as quoted okezone of the People, Wednesday (7/4/2010).

Special aluminum bottles that are decorated with flirty pink hat and a black silhouette of the famous by wearing a blazer and jeans was equipped with a matching color signature at the bottom.

Coca-Cola bottle full of this style is sold at 3.50 Euros, equivalent to $ 4, 70. These bottles have been sold in the boutique Colette in Paris and will soon be officially held its inaugural debut at Collete fr on 24 April.

So, what are you waiting fashionistas? Soon to have full bottles of this style! (NSA)

source: Chaerunnisa - Okezone (

Thursday, 18 March 2010

The Price of Salt - Patricia Highsmith

Every time you open a reference site lesbian books, this book is always in the top three, although The Price of Salt is a book published in 1953. Patricia Highsmith published this book under the name Claire Morgan. The publisher refused to publish the novel as an honest presentation on the theme of homosexuality, so that Highsmith was forced to change his name to be published this novel. Before The Price of Salt, known as a novelist Highsmith thriller, with his book Strangers on a Train, which was a commercial success and was filmed by Alfred Hitchcock. Or a lot of people these days may be more known as a Patricia Highsmith who wrote The Talented Mr.. Ripley, and was filmed with the main star Matt Damon.

At that time not many writers who dare to write the theme of homosexuality. If there is, usually the books are erotica, or characters in the novel's tragic fate or sad endings. And this is clearly different from what is done Highsmith in The Price of Salt. By the publisher, The Price of Salt is considered to blacken the name of Highsmith and to brand as a lesbian novelist. Explained in the afterword written Highsmith in the revised edition published in 1984.

The Price of Salt tells of Belivet Therese, a (potential) stage designer who was forced to work as a department-store SPG before Christmas. In the boredom at work, he met Carol, a housewife whose marriage is on the verge of divorce, who wanted to buy a doll for his daughter.

Therese and Carol met at the time and place, and they both fall in love. If love was always going easily, of course their story would not be a story. Therese decided to go with Carol in the adventure of driving across America. On the way we invited to follow the development of a relationship between two women is through dialogue and description that are slow but flowing smoothly. However, without it they know they journey followed by a private detective who was told by Carol's husband. Until finally makes Carol had to choose between the lover and his daughter.

Highsmith took Therese viewpoint in The Price of Salt, so the reader can feel anxious all the confusion, indecision, and the rise and fall of emotions experienced by Therese since before realizing his sexual orientation and did not know what she wants in life until she realized what she want and need in life.

Maybe because it was written in 1953, in The Price of Salt is not once mentioned the word "lesbian" to describe their relationship. And the reader can get a vision of what kind of homosexuality in the United States in the 1950s. And as a masterpiece, despite half a century has passed over, The Price of Salt is still relevant to our current reading.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


The country is longing for an honest leader figure, trustworthy, reliable and able to perform his leadership duties well as a leader figure Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions. "Is there a figure of such leaders? I think it is very difficult to find.

The country is now led by unscrupulous leaders who are not honest and committed acts of corruption that is detrimental to the people and the Negara.Korupsi arranged from lowest level to the top level.

Many people who demonstrated and demanded the authorities withdraw from Jabatannya.Hal this is not the best way to overcome the problem of corruption in the country even if its rulers ini.becausereplaced but the root cause of corruption is not addressed then it will not be lost.

I have a few tips for this country, might be solving the problem of corruption cases that hit this country include:

1.rulers, leaders and governments must be to overcome the problem of corruption until tuntas.Pemerintah not be half-half or indifferent attitude in dealing with this corruption problem.

2. faith, morals and ethics berkuasa.Hal leaders this was not done by the State ini.Karena if leaders have faith, morals and ethics is no corruption aka tone

3.should replace the Law on corruption with better regulation, firm, sour corruptors and not felled during this pilih.Karena these laws do not make the corruptors deterrent is still there as evidenced by the desperate people who do korupsi.Mungkin replace it with Islamic law as the law of cutting off hands for thieves who proved to be a deterrent, reducing crime and making people think 1000 times before doing so.

4.of openness between ruler and rakyatnya.Rakyat need to know about the state of this country and anyone who does not need to corruption cover-up and is also obliged to accept dibela.Inspiration from the people about corruption.

Let us fix this country's image as a nation of honest and free of corruption by addressing to the root of corruption-corruption cases . i hope this does not happen again.

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